銀織滅毒 喇叭西褲 – Bella花系列

銀織滅毒 喇叭西褲 – Bella花系列
• 經典復古褲型,褲管融入喇叭褲元素,靈感汲取自迷人的70年代時尚風格,貼合腿型更顯個人風格
• 修腰剪裁不失舒適度,適合長時間穿著;融合抗菌科技布料,長時間穿著仍近乎零異味
• 專利銀織滅毒布料,無論何時何地讓您保持清新衛生,自信從容地應對各種場合
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Awards And Recognition
"Recognition Is The Greatest Motivator"
At INNOTIER, we have been truly grateful to have recieved so many awards and certifcates for our hygienic, human-centric lifestyle products.

The InnoShield receives the Silver award for Product Innovation

INNOTIER receives the Excellence in Pandemic Resilience Award in the HKMA Sustainability Awards

INNOTIER receives the Top 50 Consumer Brands Award by KPMG