銀織滅毒 Y24 拼色喇叭褲

銀織滅毒 Y24 拼色喇叭褲
愛上 SWS
SWS(智慧腰部系統):隱藏式側拉鍊可使腰帶擴展約 1.5 英寸,即使在飽餐一頓後也能提供舒適纖細的體驗
- 黑色和粉紅色的色塊可以瘦腰,在視覺上拉長腿部
Awards And Recognition
"Recognition Is The Greatest Motivator"
At INNOTIER, we have been truly grateful to have recieved so many awards and certifcates for our hygienic, human-centric lifestyle products.

The InnoShield receives the Silver award for Product Innovation

INNOTIER receives the Excellence in Pandemic Resilience Award in the HKMA Sustainability Awards

INNOTIER receives the Top 50 Consumer Brands Award by KPMG