April 12, 2021
Kind to the Planet = Kind to Ourselves
Only can our healthy lifestyle improve when we look after our planet.

Here at INNOTIER, we wholeheartedly believe in creating beautiful high-tech products that would not come at the exploitation of the environment or anyone . All our products are made with love in a sustainable way, by people we care about in fair and safe working conditions.在INNOTIER ,我們堅信,打造優質的高科技產品需要顧及環境並以人為本,「關愛共融」才能以愛及可持續方式,為人們呈獻安心舒適的產品。

How many people say they care about sustainability but don’t act upon it? Don’t be that person. Take another step with INNOTIER to protect the environment in your daily lives. Every bit counts.可持續發展不只是理念,更需要身體力行!與INNOTIER一起邁出多一步,保護環境,就算每一小步,都很重要。

It’s Soft. It’s Cosy. It’s Ultra Self-Disinfectant. It’s the INNOROLL.