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COSMOPOLITAN — 為日常生活帶來最大保護!香港品牌INNOTIER將專利科技融入生活 讓每次出行都潔淨又舒適

COSMOPOLITAN — 為日常生活帶來最大保護!香港品牌INNOTIER將專利科技融入生活 讓每次出行都潔淨又舒適

舒適、潔淨絕對是不少人的首要考量,尤其是經歷過疫情時期,不管是出行或是居家,大家對於日常衛生也自然會更重視。創新科技公司INNOTIER便一直致力開發具可持續性和抗病毒性的生活產品,將衛生科技融入生活時尚中,成為日常不可缺少的單品。 INNOTIER 的服裝和配飾都是採用織入99%純銀紗線的專利科技而成的布料製成,當織入銀線的布料遇上空氣的濕氣,會釋放銀正離子,可有效抑制和消滅帶負電荷的病毒和細菌。值得一提的是,品牌擁有多項專利及三百多份測檢證書,證明品牌所有布料皆可: 秒殺病毒:只需30秒便可高效抑制和消滅99%的病毒,包括人類冠狀病毒229E,口罩布料更能不用一秒抑制和消滅99%的新冠病毒及其他病毒(包括食人菌等) 除臭 紫外線保護UPF100+ 防塵蟎 防蚊 防皮膚敏感 舒適透氣 經500次洗滌,殺病毒效能依然無減 為了讓大家每一次出行都能安心又玩得盡興,INNOTIER特別呈獻旅行及運動系列,不單採用透氣舒適、具防曬功能的布料,由銀線織成的布料更可隨體溫而調節,即使外出活動一整天也依然舒適,而且無汗味。 品牌的旅行和運動系列推出過百款單品,由消毒腰包、透氣出行帽、防曬冰䄂到衛衣及運動套裝皆有,簡約時尚設計也是容易日常配搭、適合任何場合的關鍵。

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A new COVID XEC variant is spreading rapidly

A new COVID variant is spreading rapidly and could soon become the dominant variant around the globe. The variant, called XEC, was first detected in Germany in August and appears to have a growth advantage over other circulating variants –...

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COVID-19 is surging in South Korea, travelers should pay more attention to protection

COVID-19 is surging in South Korea, travelers should pay more attention to protection

The COVID-19 epidemic in South Korea has started to spread again. From the end of June till present-day, the number of confirmed cases has increased. By the end of July, the number of confirmed cases had reached 11,627, an increase...

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INNOTIER 3-day 3rd Anniversary Extravaganza

INNOTIER 3-day 3rd Anniversary Extravaganza

INNOTIER's 3rd Anniversary Celebration has been nothing short of spectacular! This year, we went all out by hosting a 3-day extravaganza that featured an impressive lineup of your favorite celebrities, the latest collections, and a plethora of gifts and surprises. It was...

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Influenza cases are on the rise again, how can we protect ourselves fashionably and sustainably?

Influenza cases are on the rise again, how can we protect ourselves fashionably and sustainably?

進入五月,天氣逐漸變熱,香港開始進入夏季流感時期,鑑於本地監測數據顯示,2019冠狀病毒病活躍程度有所上升,INNOTIER 建議並要時刻注重個人、手部和環境衞生。戴口罩是預防感染流感及其他呼吸道疾病最簡單有效的措施。 對於已經出現流感的市民,戴口罩不僅是對自身的保護,也是對身邊的朋友家人的保護。因此出現呼吸道感染病徵的人士,即使症狀輕微,佩戴口罩仍十分重要,同時避免前往人多擠逼的地方,並應盡早向醫生求診,減低將病毒傳染的風險。正確佩戴口罩十分重要,包括在佩戴口罩前及脫下口罩後保持手部衞生。INNOTIER 建議新型冠狀病毒感染者和疑似感染者佩戴 InnoShield TXM99 mask,其他人員建議佩戴 InnoShield TEM95+ mask。 Link for more information: 

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Ms Juliana Lam's sharing at HKUST on a "Business with a Purpose"

Ms Juliana Lam's sharing at HKUST on a "Business with a Purpose"

INNOTIER x HKUST Connect — Changemaker “Business with a purpose” sharingToday, our founder, Juliana Lam attended HKUST Connect’s Changemaker GearUp Training Series and shared her thoughts and experience on building a “Business with a Purpose” with ESG, and the challenges faced as a...

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INNOTIER X CyberHiest Movie Premiere

INNOTIER X CyberHiest Movie Premiere

With our mission to support local made movies, INNOTIER has co-title sponsored the upcoming, exciting movie "Cyber Heist 斷網", starring Aaron Kwok, Gordon Lam and Simon Yam.  This fun & glamorous movie premiere party gave all our VIPs the experience...

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The InnoShield TEM95+ – A "light-weight", game changing solution

The InnoShield TEM95+ – A "light-weight", game changing solution

As a brand that strives for a sustainable, healthy & fashionable lifestyle, we also believe that mask-wearing should be our own choice.  But imagine someone coughing next to you on the train or in the lift, do you really want...

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Ms Juliana Lam's sharing with Jessica Magazine

Ms Juliana Lam's sharing with Jessica Magazine

Both dressed in INNOTIER’s stunning outfits, check out this interview contacted by Jessica Ng, the founder of Jessica magazine as she talks to Ms Juliana Lam about creating a sustainable, hygienic but also stylish product under this ‘new normal’.  Ms...

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